Join now!

The German Digital Healthcare Association brings together the expertise and interests of all associations, organizations, and companies in the field of digital healthcare (eHealth).

Each regular member has one vote in the general assembly, regardless of its size. Only together can we finally make eHealth a breakthrough in Germany. Therefore: Join now!

Types of membership


Ordinary membership of the association can be acquired by companies,


Sponsoring membership can be granted by the Executive Board upon application for:


  • that generate their own revenue through e-health services for use by patients, insured individuals, or healthcare professionals.
  • that do not generate genuine e-health revenues themselves, but whose products or services are essentially digital or telemedical health, care, rehabilitation and prevention services for use by patients, insured persons or healthcare professionals or are an essential component of these.
  • Ordinary membership can also be acquired by business associations that are active nationwide in the field of e-health and the digitalization of medicine/care with offers that are intended for direct use by patients and represent provider interests.
  • Companies and organisations that do not meet the statutory requirements for ordinary membership,
  • Regional organisations that are not active nationwide,
  • individual natural persons who are merchants or freelancers (independent contractors) and do not simultaneously hold a position in a company tha would be eligible for membership in accordance with Section 3 (l).

Statutes & Membership Fee Schedule